Thursday, May 11, 2006


Photo Teaser

These are just a few I have finished...there are so many more to come.

Are they really dark?






Soft Strength

Power and grace,
Protection and respect,
Without separation, with connection,
The bull whale in the sea
Navigates rare depths,
Sings mighty songs,
Swims the placid undercurrent and
Breaths easy amongst a surface of waves.
He holds virtues likewise reveled in the motions of
Elephants on the Savanna,
A buck in the forest,
Wild horses on the plains.
May all males take note, for,
With these sweeping lines of muscle and frame
Masculinity in motion is seen and
The eloquence soft strength is reveled


Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Red Lights Turn Green

The yellow light turns red…
…trees shimmer with a breeze that passes threw lips, her lips, his lips, young lips, old lips, soft lips, chapped lips – inhalation cool, exhalation warm, now cool, now warm… Rhythm, pulse, fluidity pumps threw passages…to lungs where blood red touches clear air…and there! a flock of white doves takes flight. The old man crossing between the white lines turns his head and winks with his right eye - his wink passes like the years threw his retinas. And with the cresses in his face he says….and his statement, emerging so simple and profound, held layers by the time the flock once again rested in the shimmering trees.
The red light turns green


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