Friday, July 01, 2005


Paonia, Colorado


It is so beautiful here, the sun warms the skin in the day and everlasting sunset fades to red and a deep blue as the stars come out and cool the mind in the evening. Magpies flutter about, Elk sound their whale like songs, prairie dogs stand tall to see the vistas over the summers changing grasses and a small nook on the mountain holds still a reminder of winters retreat - reminding me how delicately the seasons are balanced on the access of this extraordinary planet. Walking down a gravel road smelling wet soil, sagebrush, passing a dead raccoon, wild roses, white butterflies in winter wheat fields, a decaying adobe house, a windmill - nostalgic for days when it pulled water from the ground - turns ever so slow in the genital valley breeze and I am reminded it all is just what it is, no good or bad, right or wrong, happy or sad, it is just an experience, I am having mine, the butterflies theirs, the raccoon had its, the hawk soaring over head and the rabbit it clutches in its claws are having theirs, just experiences, nothing more nothing less.

It is as I wake in the morning and look over the folding hills at the long shadows that my love overflows upon you.
Te Amo

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