Sunday, March 25, 2007


The Way Here

Clair took my virginity and washed it down the drain. We were young and scared and she was as needy as I but not as stupid…I dropped her heart on the sidewalk and it broke.
Time happened and than Brianna happened. She took my heart and dropped it next to Clair’s…it broke. We were young, I was fragile and someone was going to drop me on a hard surface.
A gallon of glue, some scotch tape and Gina appeared. She took a piece of my heart and walked away with it. It was seven years before I got it back.
Marsha…Marsha showed me what I could do with my heart and helped me create a foundation to do it.
Vanessa loved another and wouldn’t touch my heart, for hers was waiting for him to sweep it up and piece it back together.
Janell started the fire that burned my heart to ashes. From ashes my heart arose anew.
Jennifer’s heart and mine share the same birthday. I knew from the start she was not the one.
Aimee showed my heart the freedom of a moment and with Rona my heart regained the youth it so longed for.
And then Megan.
Megan and I wrap our hearts around each other to keep warm.
Hearts are resilient and beautifully fragile.
And they hold so much.


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